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Tips and Tools for Flawless Foundation

First and foremost, the key to flawless foundation is SKIN. If your skin is clear your foundation will apply easier and more importantly look a lot better. It's always good to research products that may be good for your skin type whether it be dry, oily, or combination and get into a routine of using those products (if they work for you). I have very dry skin so I tend to use masks, oils, and moisturizers on a regular basis to keep my skin hydrated. I'll go more in depth on skincare in another post. For now I'll share some of the best tools to use when applying your foundation.
  • Beauty Blender- just dampen with some water, watch it expand, and dab :)
  • Morphe M439- next best thing to airbrush
  • Sigma Duo Fibre Brush-Duo Fibre brushes are tricky sometimes because they can cause streaks, but just use the white top lightly in a circular motion and you're good to go.
  • Real Techniques Buffing Brush- Great deal for the price! This brush is no more than $8-9, and works really well. Perfect for beginners. WARNING: After a while (couple of months) the brush hairs tend to shed, but I guess that comes with the price you pay. However, its still a great brush.
  beauty blenderM439duo fibreexpert-face-brush-thumb-01 What are your go to tools for applying foundation? ? -Erin

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